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F5-E IOM Regatta Rijeka 2014

Vom Freitag, 21. März 2014 -  08:00
Bis Sonntag, 23. März 2014 - 17:00
Aufrufe : 7375


19. internationale Rijeka Regatta 2014

Termin: 24.-26.01.2014

Ort: Rijeka's regatta will be held in Port of Rijeka at Karolina Riječka pier

Klassen: F5-E IOM


Rijeka will for 20th year in a row host International Rijeka's RC regatta which will also be 2014 IOM Open Croatian Championship. In previous 19 editions, 107 competitors from Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom took part.

As always, the easiest way to make your entry is on-line form. Hall of Fame contains all the winners of previous editions while in the right column you can find complete results and photos of all our RC regattas.

The schedule include racing on Friday 21st starting at 12:00, races on Saturday, 22nd from 10:00 - 17:00 as well as on Sunday 23rd March with prize giving scheduled for 15:30. A special race of all winners of previous 19 Rijeka's regatta is planned at the end of the first racing day.

Trophies will be awarded to the top three competitors and best junior. You can add your name to the list of competitors or to the Hall of Fame if you classify among first three. You are welcome to Rijeka on 22 - 23. 03. 2014.

Friday 21st March 11:00 Registration and measurement
    11:30 Skippers meeting
    12:00 First start
    17:00 Special race for the winners of all previous Rijeka's regatta
Saturday 22nd March 12:00 First start
    17:30 Dinner for all participants
Sunday 23rd March 10:00 First start
    15:00 Estimated time of race finish
    15:30 Prize giving
Ort : Rijeka's regatta will be held in Port of Rijeka at Karolina Riječka pier
JEV_EVENT_CONTACT : E-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! Tel. +385 (0)51 371 045


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