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IOM European Championship

Vom Samstag, 25. Juni 2016 -  08:00
Bis Freitag, 1. Juli 2016 - 17:00
Aufrufe : 13784

2016 IOM European Championship
Ullibarri-Gamboa, Vitoria Spain
June 25th to July 1st, 2016

Organizing Authority

The 2016 International One Metre European Championship is organized by the Club Náutico de Vitoria in
association with the Asociación Española de Vela Radiocontrol, Real Federación Española de Vela,
Federación Vasca de Vela y Federación Alavesa de Vela, as approved by the International One Metre
Class Association and under the overall authority of ISAF.

1. Venue

The 2016 International One Metre Class European Championship will be held at Ullibarri Gamboa lake.
Club Nautico de Vitoria
Barrio de Txoisa s/n
01520 Ullibarri.Gamboa (Alava)
43º56´32´´N / 02º36´05´´W

2. Rules

The event will be governed by rules as defined in the 2013-2016 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS). RRS
appendix E will apply, and following documents:
The Event’s Sailing Instruction
The IOMICA Class Championship Rules
The International One MetreClass Rules
The IRSA Championship Regulations
The Equipment Rules of Sailing
The current IRSA Addendum Q (Umpiring)
The current Heat Management System (HMS) as approved by IRSA – The version to be used will be
confirmed in SI.
The current IRSA SYRPH
Rule E6.6(f) may be changed in the Sailing Instructions.
In order that a disabled competitor may be able to compete on equal terms, the race committee shall make
as fair an arrangement as possible.
No National prescriptions will apply.
The Jury will publish a document setting out an accelerated procedure for protests and requests for
2016 IOM European Championship Página 1

3. Eligibility

76 competitors will be accepted as per the class Championship Rules, para 8. The competition is open to
International One Metre class boats selected by an IOM National Class Association in good standing with
IOMICA and IRSA. The ISAF Regulations regarding eligibility apply with the additional requirements of the
IOMICA Class Championship Regulations.

4. Registration

4.1 A valid IOM Class Certificate for each boat must be submitted on or before May 25th , 2016. An e-mail
copy is acceptable; however the original must be made available at registration .Boats together with their
measurement certificates shall be presented for the registration from Friday 12:00h 24th June 2016 to
Sunday 11:00h 26 June 2016.
Equipment Inspection from Saturday 9:00h 25th June to Sunday 12:00h June 26th 2016.
The Race Committee may extend the time for registration and inspection if there is a valid reason to do so.
No boat shall be eligible to race until it has been registered and has passed equipment inspection.
4.2 Eligible boat may enter by completing the entry form on this web site and sending it with the required

5. Equipment Inspection

It is intended that all boats will pass equipment inspection before Sunday June 26th, 12:00 h .
Nonetheless, the Race Committee may at any time request the Equipment Inspector to confirm that a boat
complies with the IOM Class Rules. Random spot checks may be made throughout the event.

6. Frequencies

The permitted frequency bands are 35 MHz and 2.4 GHz. Each competitor must have a minimum of 4
frequencies available except on 2.4 GHz.

7. Fees and Entry form

Entries shall be made using the official 2016 IOM European Championship Entry Form

The completed form and payment receipt must be submitted to :

Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! on March 25th 2016 latest.

Required fee 430 Euros including 10€ IOMICA fee (net excluding bank charges) via bank transfer:

Account name: Club Nautico de Vitoria
IBAN number: ES17 2095 3170 7610 9003 7168
Swift code: BASKES2BXXX

8. Schedule

-December 25, 2015 :initial closing date for non continental NCA (request a spot by email
to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! )
-March 25, 2016 : Initial closing date for entries.
-April 8, 2016 :Allocation of places.
-May 25, 2016 :Date for submission of IOM Class Certificates.
-June 25-26, 2016 :Registration, Practice and Equipment Inspection ( Registration and
Equipment Inspection until June 26, 12:00).
– June 26, 2016 :Racing day (13:00 until 19:30).
-June 27-30, 2016 :Racing days (10:00 until 19:30).
-July 1, 2016 :Racing day (09:00 until 16:00).
-July 1, 2016 :Closing Party & Awards Ceremony (18:00)

More info at

Ort : Vitoria, Spain
More info at


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